So we live near this now. No Skyscrapers or the Big Dig. Just mountains. If it wasn't so stressful here it would be a great place to live. To seek and follow hard after God. In a little over a year we have gone through two culture shocks. I am trying to figure out what the Great Lion is doing with us. We moved here to help my Mom. It is difficult to help someone who doesn't want our help and doesn't really know what she wants help with. So, we are in a weird place. Careerwise - nothing, relationship with God - always changing us. So where do we go from here. Part of me wishes I would have never left PC. Another part wishes I would have never left Boston, but that is how it is when we follow the Spirit. I just hope He blows by here again.
Thanks for the comment. We're on odd parallel tracks where the walk is concerned. And it's not just us--other people in the CCPC are feeling it, friends of mine in many places are too. I've been affirmed lately that these hard places we're brought through are there precisely to mold and prepare us for the work that He has for us to do. (Also, you can't deny the spiritual warfare aspect of it all.) Pull out those sermon CDs from Passion06 and listen to both Piper's & Beth Moore's. Soak in that a while. Pull out the CDs from Thirsty06 and listen to all the main sessions. They are doing a lot to restore vision and grow hope in me.
I am worshipping with Shawmut Springs Church and it's been good. Courtney and I are getting closer and I'm excited to know her more. God's provided unexpected times to share the Gospel with my neighbors while just hanging out with them. He's blessing me in spite of me and I'm grateful.
Been prayin' for you guys lately ~ just thought it might encourage you both to know that God nudges others to lift ya's & in some subtle way help carry a burden.
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