Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Camp and Back Again by...

Well, not Bilbo Baggins. My tale doesn't have dragons or trolls. However, it was alot of fun. We spent the night at the church on Sunday, May 29th, just so we would be ready to go on Monday. BLAH! Never do an all-nighter "lock-in" style hangout event with teenagers the night before you leave for camp. We played Halo most of the night, the boys did anyway. The girls mostly ran around and giggled, while trying to be cool and just annoying enough that the boys would notice them. Meanwhile, sleep was not to be had for Brian the fearless youth pastor. As the sun came, so did the realization that the church was a mess and by now most of the kids were asleep. Mustering all of the energy I could, I started the "we've got to get this stuff on the bus when it comes, wake up we gotta get movin'" pep talks. Rushing here and there grabbing everyone's things to load on the huge bus that was now pulling up in our parking lot. Mr. Jim, the bus driver was a friendly fellow and chuckled when he saw me bringing everything out. As we loaded the bus, the youth's enjoyed a scrumptous pancake breakfast made by moms. So far so good. We prayed inside before rushing out to find our seats. Everyone on the bus? Yep. Do a head count to be sure. Yep, everyone accounted for. Good. Let's go...

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