So I asked, "what kind of vehicle are we?" I am not sure that this is even the right question to be asking. However, Dale does an excellent job of answering the question based on the cars in his parking lot at work. I am going to cheat a bit and use google. So here is my response to Dale using some of his categories.
The vehicle I am stuck in a lot:

Notice how it says "Lazy Daze" on the front.
But, Dale is right, I too have a lot going on and maybe I am not stuck in a dumb daze so maybe I am more like this:

Fast and "office" oriented but really just going in circles.
God has not called us to zoom past life or drive in circles. We are designed for so much more. However, this is how I think the world sees my love for God:

A crappy hatchback that you don't want to sit in because you'll get burnt. And it is foreign to people.
At times I wish that people would see me and the church like this:

Trendy, American, Cool, Sleek,on the Cutting Edge.
We spend a lot of time and effort trying to be like this vehicle:

We (I) try to get "Back to the Future"; meaning that I am constantly wanting things about Church to either fast forward, get present or even sometimes get ancient.
However, the truth is that we need to be like these vehicles consistently:

Pray for us. Pray that we will recognize that we need to live an Emergency/War-time lifestyle. We are at war.