Buying a House
Kimberly and I are closing on our house on Monday. And as I sit here stealing a few moments at my Mom's restaurant in Tennessee, while she handles some business, I am thinking about how huge this really is. It is really about the Lord. Yahweh - you know the Creator, the Sustainer, the Provider, the King of Kings. Abba, Father - my daddy and yet Awesome God of the universe - has made this possible. Two years ago when we left our dreams in Boston, and once again stepped out of the boat to see how to walk on the water, we would have never dreamed of being in a stable environment, at a loving church serving Him by serving students. There is this surreal sense that this is too good to be true. We struggled with the idea of purchasing a house (it's not a home quite yet). One reason, is that we didn't know if we could afford it. Another is that we weren't sure if owning a house was the best decision given our vulnerability to moving. However, the truth is that no one can afford a house, it's just something you either pay someone else to live in their dwelling or you actually put your money where you may get something in return. It's kinda risky, but it's good risky. As for moving, I don't think that is going to happen for a long time. We like Huntsville/Madison. We like her people. We love our church. Things are beginning to settle in and fit for us.
So, we are about to begin making payments on a big responsibility. But for me and for Kimberly we have come to realize that God is blessing us with an opportunity to be hospitable and to show the love of Christ. We believe that this house gives us the flexibility to become missionaries in our neighborhood. By being good neighbors and by inviting others to enjoy the blessing. It's almost become a cliche' but we are being blessed to be a blessing. This is really what God's heart is for His people. God has been in covenant with His people to spread His blessing through out the earth. (Genesis 17) But being the Christian Hedonist that I am, I believe that God, who is my joy and my treasure is solely the motivator of my true happiness (blessing). 'Bless' in the Greek means to give a good word, it's what we derive our English word 'eulogy' from which means literally "good word". So when someone gives an eulogy they are giving a good word about a person. Which is interesting in the sense that we then are being given a "good word" when God blesses us. He speaks to us a good word - perhaps that good word is the gospel. I mean if everything is to be seen through the lens of the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, then this house (blessing) was purchased at the cross of Christ. It's good, namely because God's gift of His Son is good. So I treasure not my house most supremely, I treasure Jesus and His cross supremely. Out of that flows my gratitude for a house. St. Augustine said, "He loves thee too little who loves anything together with thee which he loves not for thy sake." So in order to love my house I love it in loving God more by using it to love God more by loving others.
Pray for my Mom, she is making some tough decisions. I am trying to help her through them.