Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hello from the Metz Family! 
We are finally writing to update everyone on what is going on with us. If you haven’t run into us over the last 9 months you might be wondering, “what’s happening with those Metzes?” Well, the short answer, for those who have seen us, is a lot of change. We have taken two brothers in foster care in addition to the two little ones we already had. I have been working at Starbucks 4 to 5 days a week and putting in time on my church planting internship. In November, Summit Crossing took me on part-time to work with the student ministry. In January, the point person for students stepped aside to pursue leading a missional community (small group) and asked me to devote more time and work to the student ministry. I came to Summit to serve and to learn from the elders/pastors here and have desired to fulfill the roles and duties asked of me. So I gladly accepted the added responsibility. 
Let’s fast forward to mid-June. The elders approached me with the opportunity and option to do student ministry full time while I continued to work on my church planting calling. Which means my time at Starbucks has come to an end, once again. This enables me to have greater time devoted to discipleship and to pastoral ministry in the church as well as more time with Kimberly and the children. I was a bit relieved to say the least. Just the thought of being able to think clearer about church planting and to be a better husband and father was exciting to me. I have been grateful for my time at Starbucks and the relationships I was able to build there. I also, once again, learned a great deal about myself, my fellow man, and the grace of God.
So, I write to inform you that we are still on the church planting course. We are just being afforded the opportunity to have our needs met by doing pastoral ministry here at Summit. Summit Crossing has been a loving, generous, and gracious church and I am stoked to continue to learn, work and grow while on staff. We hope that you will continue to pray for us as we continue to trust God for our lives.
If you have been supporting us financially we would ask that you would prayerfully consider what God would have you to do. We are not officially doing support raising and therefore would ask you to consider other missionaries needs at this time (we can point you in a direction if you would like) or prayerfully consider ways you can partner with us for the future church planting endeavors. We are so grateful for you and your gifts. We could not have made it these past 9+ months without your prayers, generosity, and obedience. If God leads you to continue giving to us, thank you, but you cannot give through Summit anymore. We do hope that you will continue to pray for and with us. Please pray that God would continue to use us to spread a passion for the supremacy of Christ for the joy of all peoples, wherever he leads us. 
Grace and Love,
Brian and Kimberly Metz

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